Anyways I figure before I get back to writing here I should catch up on some stuff.
First of all is my weight. I've hit a setback. Well more like an angry red brick wall covered in unhappiness. I fell off the wagon and topped out at 284.4 last week. However I'm back on the wagon as of that weigh in and am now down to 279.2 and falling.
In the hopes of tricking my brain into co-operating more with the workout routine I just today went out and purchased a Kinect for the Xbox 360 my wonderful girlfriend of five years bought me for our anniversary.
Second of all I've started reading a hilariously amazing new book by Timothy Ferris entitled The Four Hour Body that promises if I should follow it I can be at my goal weight (185) by the time I go to Europe on May 18th. That five pound loss mentioned above was week one of my diet involving lots and lots of lean protein and cutting out dairy and carbs. (Basically) And since this past week was filled with adjusting to the new diet and a bit of cheating, I feel that the next few weeks are going to go even better.
Back to losing weight and the Kinect I did have to go about making space for it in my room. And the messiest place in my room just happens to be my closet. I've been meaning to clean it out for a very long time, years actually. I never imagined that it would hold so much CRAP though.
Behold my crap:
And that isn't even showung the fullness of the bin on the right, the stuff I have crammed in the bags on the left, and the stuff that is actually piled BEHIND the bed. Now that it's all in the basement though I have this:
A place to put my shoes, and stash all of my games in an organized manner.
Here's hoping this New Year let's me clean up more than just my closet.
There are also a few happy little memories I found inside my closet while cleaning it though, like this little guy:
At one time filled with sugary goodness and now just a cool little trinket from the one I love.
And this:
A wonderful picture of a thinner me and my lovely Sarah at the Empire State Building. I think this was back in 200...6? 7?
Lordy how time doth fly.
welcome back to blog land!