Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello dare

No, I'm not daring anybody, yes, I am saying hello.

We on the same page now? Cool.

Every day, everywhere on the planet, in millions of living breathing perfectly reasonable creatures, thoughts occur. In some of us, they are inspired. In others, they are not. In mine, well...they get put up on Blogger for everyone to see.

So give me your bored, Stumbling, your surfing masses yearning to be entertained,
The hopefully not wretched readers from the computers of yore,
Send these, the domainless, portal-tossed to me,
I lift my blog beside the Golden Door!

Yes, that is a heavily interweb-ified version of "The New Colossus".

No, you do not have to be entertained.

Please, don't be wretched.

Also, I'd like to credit Shannon over at The Shanner of Attention for making me want to start a blog and put my thoughts down.

1 comment:

  1. I JUST realized that you were blogging today. Good stuff. And thanks for the shout out. I hope you find blogging as therapeutic as I do.
